This video shows multiple Dale City roof repair problems caused by the original roofing contractor
I’m at a home needing Dale City roof repair, and as you can see, their soffiting has all come down and their wood fascia is all rotted. What’s causing that to happen is the vent pipe flange. The contractor has put nails into the flashing completely along the outside edge. That’s one problem that’s causing the soffiting to come down.
Another problem is where their roof meets the next door neighbor’s roof, you can see all those nails coming through the roof. Let me go up a little bit higher so you can see something even clearer.
These are all ten penny common nails penetrating through the shingles, and what caused that is when they nailed the plywood on, they did not nail into the rafters. They missed the rafter completely, and that’s why all these ten penny common nails are coming up through the roof.
As you can see here, I’m not sure if you can see it, but the roof along from the gutter line all the way up to the peak of the roof, it’s raised from here over all the way down to the gutter line. The reason for that is when they shingled this side here, they just brought their whole roof directly over onto the next door neighbor’s roof. So that’s why it’s all raised.
Once they completed everything, then they nailed all the outside corners of each and every one of these shingles down with regular inch and a quarter roofing nails, and then they tarred the outside edge. So what’s causing leakage inside the house is when it rains, water just bypasses the tar, goes underneath the shingles, and finds all those roofing nails. Plus these ten penny common nails coming through the roof is making matters much worse.
When I went inside the attic, I saw that they have mold directly below this whole section from here all the way up to the peak of the roof. All the plywood is infected with black mold and so is the rafter. Plus, the soffiting here on the exterior wall, it’s all black mold here as well.
So what we need to do is work hand-in-hand with a mold remediation company. Once they arrive, then we’ll remove all the plywood on the next door neighbor’s house, which we already got permission to do, remove all the shingles, remove the plywood on this side, and do the same on this side as well. Once we have the plywood removed, then the mold remediation company will treat the rafter.
Once the rafter is treated, then we install new plywood, making sure that the plywood is secured into the rafters. When that’s completed, we adhere ice and water shield to the wood surface, then install metal flashing. Then we can re-shingle both sides of the roof.
When that’s all completed, then we’ll change this vent pipe flange and re-shingle around it, making sure that we don’t put any nails into the flashing. Then we can replace all the soffit and the damaged wood fascia, and then this job is completed in Dale City. To request a free Dale City roof repair estimate, please fill out our contact form.
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